Saturday, December 17, 2022


Africans  would rather read an African story narrated by a white author than one written by a black author. Infact, we learned about Africa from the pages of a book written by a Westerner. We see our history through substandard, underwritten clips compiled by westerners who do nothing but underrepresent us and portray us as a dying and starving continent who they give aid to for survival. These are targeted to condition us with what they say we are, and not what we truly are. 
When the undermined side of our strengths are hidden from us, we tilt towards the negative and thence, lacking the capacity to imagine a better and positive possibilities because a man takes the form of what  he is  shown overtime. They do this for us to keep chasing their approval instead of being ourselves and evolving naturally without bias.

The ultimate goal is to get us to cling to his novels and stories and arouse our desire to be like him, therefore avoiding our own distinct individuality and authenticity. It appears to be working for him.

When all a child reads and conforms to is a foreign texts, how can the child properly form? We then become foreigners to the continent of our origin and our soul will lack the capacity to identify with and relate to our African identity through its texts. We will never be able to address Africa's problems, no matter how hard we try because copying a western solution and pasting it to our unique African problems will yield no result. No wonder our solutions are ad hoc because we do not have the originality to solve the African problem.

By reading non-African novels and publications on a regular basis, we will never be able to truly comprehend and relate to the wholesomeness and beauty of the African identity. We've gone too far in the wrong direction. It's time to return to your home..

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