Saturday, December 17, 2022


Writing is work and a *writer* is a brand. 
Do not treat it with laxity, take your brand seriously. Continue to improve yourself constantly so that you will have the capacity to improve others.

How distinct, clear and consistent is your writing brand? Some of us are consistent in writing and posting to update our readers but then how clear do we capture the  thoughts in our hearts, so that our audience will be able to understand the points we are making and take the messages we are passing.  Until an artiste make his pictures clear enough, his audience will misinterpret his drawing . For words are the paints of a writer and his pen is his painting brush.

Even a talented artiste must learn the skills, no matter how talented you are as a writer, learn the skills of writing. It will reward you with the insights to guide, compassion to inspire and wisdom to lead.

 I am aware that understanding the basics of writing English word is easy; appreciating the nuances takes years. Though we are limited because we are not native speakers of English language but we can strive to be distinct with our writing brand. 

You build a strong brand as a writer when you make internal resolutions that focuses on what your brand will deliver eternally to satisfy the need of your readers, knowing who your audience are and how to reach them. 

These resolutions are your firm foundation. The test is whether your thoughts are accepted or rejected by your audience. That doesn't mean you write to please people but you write to connect to the innermost part of your audience to assent of your writing.

These resolutions builds confidence in the heart of your audience that your post, book and articles are going to give solutions to their problems and that your words are reliable.

These resolutions reflects your inner values in meaningful ways that you act upon them.

These things are not rocket science. The resolutions we are talking about are the promises you make to yourself that:
* My writing is not just a perfunctory activity, it entails adding emotions and passion to it. I will make my writings inspirational, educative, and intriguing. 
* I will instill professionalism in my writing. That means my words, phrases and grammar will be at least 90% accurate.
* I must take each age bracket to heart and make sure I do not write haphazardly and pass the wrong message.

* In order for your writing to reflect your deepest values well enough in the mind of my readers, you must make sure you have tested the food before you bring it out for public consumption. I must make sure that I practice what I preach. Writing is an attitude, people can tell if you are not doing what you are writing.

* I will make sure my writing is at least 70% original because it's authenticity will determine how it will be received and how it will affect lives.
* I will make my writings lucid and seamless.
* My book or post will not only state the problem but it will also give relevant  and distinctive solutions.

These resolutions will condition my actions and reactions towards my writing. It will govern my focus and lead me away from inbreed impulses that pushes me to post an article without crosschecking it in order to make sure there are little to no errors in it. Some readers are turned off when they see the slightest error while reading.

* It will make me read more, so that I can build a word base that enables me to frame the ideas in my heart appropriately. 
* I will get accustomed to reading the dictionary, so that I can understand the nuances and usage of English language. 
* I will get an App or a person that crosscheck or scrutinise my writing to make sure it is satisfactory before I post, to make my brand distinct.
* These will determine the kind of audience I serve and gets me new audience who expect more from me.
* I will keep learning so that I will not forget the things I know..

These resolutions serve as inherent mantras or quiet metronomes that keeps you reminded on what needs to be done to keep your brand alive and to stay alive...

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