Saturday, December 17, 2022


Good day wonderful writers. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Being a writer qualifies you as a  builder of civilisation; creators of the future and moulders and shapers of perspectives.
writers are also liberators, their words are so sharp that it can cut asunder thick chain bars of ignorance, setting free readers bond to slavery of phobias that inhibits them and restoring hope to the hopeless.

Today, some writers are still held down in the same chains that held their readers. Today, writers hide under the umbrella of being introvertish whereas they are too afraid to relate with people. They keep to themselves afraid of connecting and being seen for who they are. They hide underneath the shadow of being too busy to relate with people and their readers are becoming even too busier to read their books because these writers master only the craft of sharing their words on paper but had not yet learned how to share their time with others hence unable to teach their readers.

They are scared to be seen as people who know so much but whereas they are full of esteem issues. If Joseph kept to himself, he wouldn't have met the cup bearer who God used to pave a way for him  from a prison to the palace. 

Great writers like J K Rowling was divorced, was unemployed so she took writing as work. Being unemployed means she left her broke, having no money to feed and to pay her bills. Even when no publisher accepted her work, she still found strength to relate with people instead of shutting herself in. From relating with people, she was linked to the publisher that published Harry Potter.
Some writers do not know that even the commonest person have 4 consecutive  links in chain to a person of power.
Some of these writers  have personality disorders, they are afraid their ego might be bruised if they make a move to strike up a relationship, they protect themselves at their own detriment. They think too much money will buy them better treatment and acceptance. So since they are yet to make so much from book selling, they hide and wait till they get enough to show themselves. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
They are scared that the people might see the shadow of the perceptions they had built online and otherwise. Which clearly shows that they  haven't really  taken into themselves all that they had been writing. They are writing for the people while themselves remained famished.

It's long pass the time when writers focus only on writing skills alone, the competition is too high today, you need some social and marketing skills to succeed as a writer. So that you don't have to dump your book for a publisher because you are too scared and socially lazy to market your own book.

Nigerian readers' community is different from that of Americans. Americans depend on publisher's review to know the best books to read regardless of who the authors are. Here our publishing houses are not as old, structured and wealthy as that of the Americans. You deliberately build your own fan base with the support of the publisher. Literal Guide Publishers International is building structures and with time we will reach the standard of the Americans and even beyond. 

Nigerians have a preset mind that Nigerian authors are quacks, that's why you need to win the trust of a few people, who will clear your name as different from the group of quack writers, then  refer your book to a new reader. 

You can't write from a far for the people you are not closer with and think you understand them better enough to solve their problems. The evidence to show  that you actually relate well with yourself is shown by the way you relate with others. 
You can't write to solve reader's problems while you aren't even aware of yours which is bigger and even hindering your announcement to the world.

Organize reading forum, where you read to your fan base even if it is one person who is passionate about your book. Let him or her ask you questions relating to your book and allow them know you deeper. People are happy to meet the authors of the books that changed their lives. That one person will bring the entire village of readers to you. Stop hiding!!!

People are the major fulcrum of life, that is why  relationships are very key to succeeding in life. Even in this group, writers are too cold, critical and boring, acting as if their umbilical cord of writing initiatives and zeal to relate  with others for common good had long been cut off. Some are even too lazy to acknowledge a good post.

Today, try to check up and connect with at least 5 persons, you can begin with me. Inspire them and follow up on them. Be deliberate, be intentional, be real. Break down the imaginary walls that  separate you from your prospective readers. Writing is real work, do not do it as if you are being forced into it.

Make new friends each day, they are the people you are writing for. They are your number one market. They might not be able to purchase your book but they will link you to the persons who will.
We are Literal Guide, we are a group of writers and publishers shaping the writing and reading culture in Africa positively. If you share similar vision, you can join our WhatsApp group....

โ€“ Theyโ€™ve worked with or used a competitorโ€™s product and switched to your brand. This would be the perfect case

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