Good day distinguished writers, warm welcome to this esteemed platform🤗. We are a group of writers and publishers shaping the writing and reading culture in Africa positively. You should understand that your profession as a writer has qualified you to be a major contributor to modern civilisation, creators of the past, present and future; constructing the human mind to different perspectives.
As writers, you are liberators whose words are forged into sharp two-edged sword to cut thick chain bars, giving freedom to readers bond to slavery. The kind of slavery enlisted as phobias, restricting their sight. You must know that your words restores hope to the hopeless, life to the lifeless, and sight to the blind.
Today, most writers are held down in the same chains that held the readers. They hide beneath the umbrella of being introverted and afraid to relate their brilliance to the people by keeping to themselves. Hidden and retired from the world and themselves. Till they question their shadows, existence and worth, nothing would change. Somehow they find excuses for being too busy to relate with people and their readers. Worse, they become too busy to read other books and they wonder why their career is slipping away. I must warn you noble writers, to master the craft of words on paper, you must first learn dialogue, time management and consistency to rule your world and influence the others.
You must recognize who you are, choose to be confident, secure and peaceful. As recorded in the holy Bible, you might recall Joseph, the last son of Jacob, least adored by his brothers, in fact he was teased "the dreamer" still he never kept to himself. I bet he wouldn't have met the cup bearer whom God used to set him free from prison, and graduated him to a position in the palace if he shut the world out.
Great writers like J. K. Rowling was divorced, and unemployed so she took writing as a profession. Being unemployed means she was left broke, agitated and emotionally deserted. When publishers refused her work, she found the strength to relate with people again rather than shutting herself in and wallowing in self-pity. With the relations she made, she met the publisher of Harry Potter, her well-renowned book. I don't need to tell the number of copies Harry Potter has sold and still selling.
Some writers do not know that the man in the least social status may have 4 consecutive links in chain to a person of power. Don't take the relationship you have with people for granted.
Most writers may defend that they have personality disorders, and they've become afraid that their ego might be bruised if they attempt building up their relationships, thereby protecting themselves at their own detriment. You mustn't seek after great appearances, money, treatment and acceptance in to this world to win it. You can bring the people to your world, your story reverberating through ink and sweat. What if you aren't given a brush, create one and design a beautiful canvas.
Dismiss every hint of fear and the perceptions of failure while you establish an online and offline base. You must take into consideration the genre, purpose and content of your writing. Don't write as one working for the people whilst unfulfilled.
It's long pass the time when writers focus only on writing skills alone, the competition is too high today, you need some social and marketing skills to succeed as a writer. So that you don't have to dump your book for a publisher because you are too scared and socially lazy to market your own book.
Nigerian readers' community is different from that of Americans. Americans depend on publisher's review to know the best books to read regardless of who the authors are. Here our publishing houses are not as old, structured and wealthy as that of the Americans. However, you must deliberately build your own fan base with the support of a publisher who'd help promote your books. Literal Guide Publishers International is building structures and establishing great visions to surpass the American standard, enlighten the youth and build a better nation of writers and readers.
Most Nigerians may have a preset mind that Nigerian authors are of no value to them and in the society, they prefer to read the American authors. Hence, you need to work harder to attain the trust of a few bibliophiles who will attest that you're different from the group of quack writers, then refer your book to a good reader.
Often, you may write passively to the people you are not intimate with and think you understand them enough to solve their problems. That's self deception. It is evident that how best you relate well with yourself is shown by the way you relate with others.
You can't write to solve a reader's problems when you aren't even aware of yours which may seem difficult, this may hinder the proud announcement of your story to the world.
Organize reading forum, where you read to your fan base even if it is one person who is passionate about your book. Let him or her ask you questions relating to your book and allow them know you deeper. People are happy to meet the authors of the books that changed their lives. That one person will bring the entire village of readers to you. Quit hiding!!!
People are the major fulcrum of life, that is why relationships are very key to succeeding in life. I can't emphasize on this, build great relationships especially with like minds. Although, I've observed the writers in this group are too cold and boring, acting as if their umbilical cord of writing initiatives and zeal to relate with others for common good had long been cut off. Some are even too lazy to acknowledge a good post.
Today, try to check up and connect with at least 5 persons, you can begin with me. Inspire them and follow up on them. Be deliberate. Be intentional. Be real. Break down the imaginary walls that separate you from your prospective readers. Writing is real work, do not work like you are being forced into it.
Make new friends each day, they are the people you are writing for. They are your number one market. They might not be able to purchase your book but they will link you to the persons who will.
We are Literal Guide, we are a group of writers and publishers shaping the writing and reading culture in Africa positively. If you share similar vision, you can join our WhatsApp group....
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