Saturday, December 17, 2022


Every nation is built on its educational system, either by schooling or through the literature the citizens are exposed to; it is the cornerstone of morality, patriotism, and employment. When these three factors are missing in a nation, it reveals  how urgent the educational sector needs attention.

Hence, we emerged as a publishing company in Lagos, Nigeria, saddled with the responsibility of solving the societal  perplexing problems of Nigeria and Africa with words.

We are pledged in making quality publishing easy and accessible to writers who share common goals with us, which is to make a difference in our nations with written words regardless of the genre, be it non fiction or fiction. 

We insist on publishing contents that are patriotic; and diabolical and erotic free. 

Literal Guide is committed to tell the African story from the past, present and in the future. Our stories will not only entertain but also  inspire hope and open up the doors of possibilities for the African spirits, hence bringing Africa to a brighter light.

We challenge writer to do so to bring civility to the minds of Africans and engender creativity and innovation in the minds of African children,  teenagers and adults.

We will explore all the potentials in book technology and writing to achieve our aim via comic books, cartoons, story telling, novella, film production, novels and non fictitious books.

If story telling is your hobby and you are gifted with words, then we are walking round the clock to make sure that your stories are not only found in every shelf of African libraries but also read in every African homes. We will achieve that by publishing stories that are set in Africa so that Africans can relate to and embrace it.

We have the best of advisers, professional ghostwriters, editors, graphic designers of class and taste that create wonderful experience as you turn the pages of our book.

In this field, we are plying a fertile  ground that have 300  million hungry reading African families and we are  working out modalities to reach them in the shortest space of time.

We are living in delicate times where parents are careful about what book their children absorb into their minds, we then began creating option for kids to take in edifying contents that will ensure their guaranteed relevance. 

The tender mind of our future leaders require the right books to refine their character and mould them to greatness And we do not compromise on quality. We have weathered the storms, we have learned from our mistakes, we are marching strong.

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