Language plays a role in inventive prowess and creativity. Remember, we are limited by vernacular, unlike the Chinese, we didn't evolve along with our language due to colonization which intercepted the development of our native language. Our language stopped at rafia palm and mudhouse in archeticture and herbs for medicine and had little or no record of words in science and tech. Going back to our native language will take us time to adapt in it because of long years of neglect. That is the reason Chinese, Japanese and the Indians were able to make breakthroughs in innovation because they evolved with their native tongue while Africa is left behind.
There is a Chinese word for a computer motherboard, software, and smartphone chips. Does your local language have such a terminology? The answer is obvious. I am not saying you should abandon your local language due to its limitations, but then the English language we are all clinging to, beyond knowing how to speak well, how well can we use it to create and innovate?
Then, in order to function well in a borrowed tongue, you must carefully study the text of the selected language in order to comprehend the meaning of numerous terms that do not come readily to you as they do to native speakers.
It's never enough to know the essentials of English; to be creative with it, as the Americans have done, we must study literature to understand the intricacies. This is why Americans have been able to invent and dominate the fiction world. Because words are so important in spreading spoken and written information. If a crucial word is missing from a phrase owing to a lack of language within you, you may be misinforming others.
Your ability to effectively explain events that have occurred in your life is limited by the number of words you already have to express them. Having a big word bank from which to choose gives your statement more meaning and allows those with whom you are talking to comprehend you.
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