Saturday, December 17, 2022

Word Power

Despite  going to schools and classroom attendance, yet people are becoming increasingly unintelligent. That isn't a conclusion; it is a universal fact. IQ and EQ ratings have begun to drop in a number of developed countries. When it comes to Africans, the downward spiral in IQ and EQ is at an all-time high. Pundits claim that the reduction is due to mindless television watching and unlimited phone use without productive use. 

There is no way a person can take his or her sight away from the pages of good literature and fix it on a screen and stay the same. 

Even employees who perform repetitious activities at work believe that reading is of no help to them, but they have no way of knowing how much better they may have been to attract a promotion if they had been reading. Wisdom is always greater than strength.

Top CEOs, TV hosts, reporters, actors and actresses you see on TV, no matter how busy they are, cannot function without reading.

They understand that if they stop reading, they will begin to forget what they have learned. Private Reading of novels asides the written scripts while acting helps actors remember scripted words and figure out which word to use in replacement of the other while still conveying the same idea and meaning as the script writer intended. 

This demonstrates that no amount of television watching can substitute reading. Reading leaves you with both an idea of a good story and crucial words used in conveying it, whereas watching television only leaves you with a notion of a good story. Reading is not just a passion for art students; science students should read as well. Elon Musk got an idea of space exploration by reading Star Trek.

Reading books has more benefits. More than just obtaining words for your word bank; it also broadens your horizons, expands your creativity, and aids visualization, because you can't see beyond what you don't have words for. When you have no words to capture the ideas you get while watching television, they will flow away from the canvass of your mind. 

Yes, English isn't our first language; it's one we've adopted, and we don't speak it as fluently as native speakers.

Then, in order to function well in a borrowed tongue, you must carefully study the text of the selected language in order to comprehend the meaning of numerous terms that do not come readily available to you as they do to native speakers. 

It's never enough to know the essentials of English; to be creative with it, as the Americans have done, we must study literature to understand the intricacies. This is why Americans have been able to invent and dominate the world. Because words are so important in spreading spoken and written information. If a crucial word is missing from a phrase owing to lack of language within you, you may be misinforming others. Which is one big problem that kept Africa this way. We have little knowledge about English and we know nothing of our native language. Passing relevant values that engenders development then seems very tedious owing to lack of language and these informations fizzled away untap and unharnessed.

Your ability to effectively explain events that have occurred in your life is limited by the number of words you already have to express them. Having a big innate word bank from which to choose from  gives your statement more meaning and allows those with whom you are conversing with to comprehend you.

You're one step closer to reaching your goal when someone understands what you've said. That is why you should read and encourage others to read in order to broaden their vocabularies. 

Read a dictionary to figure out what words imply because some basic words have multiple meanings. In the barracks, the word "fire" has a different meaning than it does for a firefighter or a normal housewife who wants to cook. 

The dreams you have and the things you achieve are a result of the number of words you have acquired that have helped you identify those things and clearly explaining them to the understanding of those who will help you get them. You see no one gets what they don't have words for. Continue reading.
Literal Guide publishers 

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