Saturday, December 17, 2022


Words describe, define, and design. All of which aid us in making sense of ourselves, other people, events, and our surroundings, among other things. When you don't have the words to express what you mean, you'll be limited in your ability to make sense of what you're saying. 
Words are the paint and the brush you use to create meaning in other people's minds. When you don't have the words to construct a picture of what you mean in someone's mind , they assume they know what you mean and give you the exact opposite of what you meant. It leads to 

Success Story 2021

Happy New year to everyone, we pray that 2022 will yield it's increase and usher us all into enlarged territories and borders.
We think the right way to begin a new year is to be grateful for the gone year. We give benediction to Almighty God for such a smashing year. 

With all sense of gratitude we must say that the year 2021 filled our baskets in Literal Guide Publishers International with great benefits. 

We opened last year  with only two agenda in heart which is to make quality publishing easy and accessible to writers with impactful content regardless of its genre, and we had remarkable books to publish and the Lord offered us opportunities to meet very interesting authors with great working relationships that made the year memorable. Each and everyone of #them  made the year an outstanding one for us. 

In our journey in 2021 we picked up an invention in publishing  due to our depth in the fear of God and diligence to work. This discovery had helped cut down labour and reduced publishing duration. This resulted to our production speed in such a manner that our clients found us reliable. 

We served 23 authors this year from 10 states in Nigeria. We never got caught up with deadlines. We didn't have to give any excuse for not having to deliver in the stipulated delivery date and time. We must add that these authors have not seen us for once but they trust the God in us to remit the 100% publishing cost before we commence work without being manipulated and without owing a dime after our services was rendered. It is very unusual today in Nigeria but who else  can do these things if not God.

God blessed us with God fearing and diligent workers. Even our editors are optimum giving thoroughness to their work. No wonder each author noticed our clean,  neat and error free prints last year.
The year began with the publishing of the book "Mystery of the Kingdom". The author was filled with joy, his expectations was exceeded.

"The Acts of Love" followed, authored by Judith Oladipupo .... this love story unvieled  testimomies of twelve individuals focusing on how Macpaul I Okolo's  decision to live differently  lead to the turn around and upliftment of many. 
"Career Pathfinding" was another impactful book we published authored by Macpaul I. Okolo. In the book he elaborated on the interest factor in learning and how studying aimed only on securing a good job is overriding  the need of acquiring a problem solving skills.  The book was scripted to lead young people by the hand on the career paths that guarantees their present and future relevance. 

Then " The 21st Century Student," was the next in line, written by a well read and travelled educator by name Lilian Uka and a South Korean trained facilitator Awah Favour.  This book laid emphases on how students should study beyond what academics had to offer them because the curriculum formed years ago no longer have  the capacity to support the labour of today. 

The "Diary Of A Patriot" is a book never to be undermined. This intriguing  novel was written by Chukwudi Moneke. It showed the height of patriotism. It revealed how a southerner from Igbo descent pushed down all virtual wall of tribal sentiments,  bias and hate, coupled with   ethnic conflicts that stood on his way to loving a northerner (an Hausa).
Passionate Survivor followed, here Ugochukwu Onukogu beamed his light on a little orphan boy, this meticulously written drama showed how the little boy went beyond all odds to rise like a phoenix from the ashes to a celebrated dude admired by all. 

Tuvia Nwankwo's "Still I Stand" was the next in line, this outstanding book encourage readers to locate and question all old and unhelpful perspectives that limits them. She painted a picture of her humble beginnings to an outstanding personality she had become. It highlighted how she overcame big challenges that many use today as excuses.

Onyinye Onwubiko's "Home Garden" will show how you can start with a pot of plant at your backyard to become a farmer who feeds the nation.
Festus' "Anatomy of English" dissected English for a layman's quick learning and understanding. It can also be useful for all examinations for guaranteed excellent result.

Most people know the harms ugly past experiences and failures can do but very few know how to handle it. In "Dirty But Valuable",  Emeka David Ndubuisi butresses step by step on how to birth slothful pains of the past into burning passions for present and future accomplishment.  

Chinenye Ojelegu's "God and I" revealed how God is so passionate to become our friend  if we would let Him. It reveals how He long to become intimate in all the facets of our life from our relationship with others to the affairs of our life, to how we govern the thought influx in our heart.

Michael Mbuko' s SciFi  titled "2220: Broadway Network" opened a window for all to see what two century from now looks like through the life of Kaira, a teenage boy who got insights from a codex  to interpret the hidden agenda of a giant multinational corporation whose aim is to trap humanity in an illusionary metaverse and cripple their physically relevance. Kaira will need to pass through hell to enable him stop this megalomaniac corporation from their evil agenda.

We are gratiful to the publication of THE SECRET OF DIVINE FAVOUR AND ESTABISHMENT authored by Nwagwu Franklin Chizurum and  The Foundation To a Last Relationship which is still ongoing.
We are thankful the proposals we developed for clients and most remarkable of them all is the one we scripted for Imole films for a video documentary that was submitted to companies in Europe, Asia and America, like other proposals we have written, this one also got approved and the documentary is ongoing as we speak. 
We are grateful to God for insights and understanding He gave to the heart of our content developers. All the content we developed for clients were certified impactful. Most especially we are grateful for the contents we designed for Kronikla and associates. Among all the professors and renowned educators who gave one lecture or the other in Redeemer University Bursary week, the CEO of Kronikla and associates who we built content for received a prestigious award for an impactful lecture.

In summary, from fiction to non fiction, from online to hard copy publishing,  from soft paper back to hard cover back. We have every reason to be grateful to God, our mentor, to our workers and to our clients for their manifold support and encouragements. We give God all the glory and praise because 2021 was indeed a remarkable year for us @Literal Guide Publishers International.
You can reach out to us via or WhatsApp: +2348064308507


Good day wonderful writers. 😊😊😊😊

Being a writer qualifies you as a  builder of civilisation; creators of the future and moulders and shapers of perspectives.
writers are also liberators, their words are so sharp that it can cut asunder thick chain bars of ignorance, setting free readers bond to slavery of phobias that inhibits them and restoring hope to the hopeless.

Today, some writers are still held down in the same chains that held their readers. Today, writers hide under the umbrella of being introvertish whereas they are too afraid to relate with people. They keep to themselves afraid of connecting and being seen for who they are. They hide underneath the shadow of being too busy to relate with people and their readers are becoming even too busier to read their books because these writers master only the craft of sharing their words on paper but had not yet learned how to share their time with others hence unable to teach their readers.

They are scared to be seen as people who know so much but whereas they are full of esteem issues. If Joseph kept to himself, he wouldn't have met the cup bearer who God used to pave a way for him  from a prison to the palace. 

Great writers like J K Rowling was divorced, was unemployed so she took writing as work. Being unemployed means she left her broke, having no money to feed and to pay her bills. Even when no publisher accepted her work, she still found strength to relate with people instead of shutting herself in. From relating with people, she was linked to the publisher that published Harry Potter.
Some writers do not know that even the commonest person have 4 consecutive  links in chain to a person of power.
Some of these writers  have personality disorders, they are afraid their ego might be bruised if they make a move to strike up a relationship, they protect themselves at their own detriment. They think too much money will buy them better treatment and acceptance. So since they are yet to make so much from book selling, they hide and wait till they get enough to show themselves. 🤣😂😂😂
They are scared that the people might see the shadow of the perceptions they had built online and otherwise. Which clearly shows that they  haven't really  taken into themselves all that they had been writing. They are writing for the people while themselves remained famished.

It's long pass the time when writers focus only on writing skills alone, the competition is too high today, you need some social and marketing skills to succeed as a writer. So that you don't have to dump your book for a publisher because you are too scared and socially lazy to market your own book.

Nigerian readers' community is different from that of Americans. Americans depend on publisher's review to know the best books to read regardless of who the authors are. Here our publishing houses are not as old, structured and wealthy as that of the Americans. You deliberately build your own fan base with the support of the publisher. Literal Guide Publishers International is building structures and with time we will reach the standard of the Americans and even beyond. 

Nigerians have a preset mind that Nigerian authors are quacks, that's why you need to win the trust of a few people, who will clear your name as different from the group of quack writers, then  refer your book to a new reader. 

You can't write from a far for the people you are not closer with and think you understand them better enough to solve their problems. The evidence to show  that you actually relate well with yourself is shown by the way you relate with others. 
You can't write to solve reader's problems while you aren't even aware of yours which is bigger and even hindering your announcement to the world.

Organize reading forum, where you read to your fan base even if it is one person who is passionate about your book. Let him or her ask you questions relating to your book and allow them know you deeper. People are happy to meet the authors of the books that changed their lives. That one person will bring the entire village of readers to you. Stop hiding!!!

People are the major fulcrum of life, that is why  relationships are very key to succeeding in life. Even in this group, writers are too cold, critical and boring, acting as if their umbilical cord of writing initiatives and zeal to relate  with others for common good had long been cut off. Some are even too lazy to acknowledge a good post.

Today, try to check up and connect with at least 5 persons, you can begin with me. Inspire them and follow up on them. Be deliberate, be intentional, be real. Break down the imaginary walls that  separate you from your prospective readers. Writing is real work, do not do it as if you are being forced into it.

Make new friends each day, they are the people you are writing for. They are your number one market. They might not be able to purchase your book but they will link you to the persons who will.
We are Literal Guide, we are a group of writers and publishers shaping the writing and reading culture in Africa positively. If you share similar vision, you can join our WhatsApp group....

– They’ve worked with or used a competitor’s product and switched to your brand. This would be the perfect case


Good day distinguished writers, warm welcome to this esteemed platform🤗. We are a group of writers and publishers shaping the writing and reading culture in Africa positively.  You should understand that your profession as a writer has qualified you to be a major contributor to modern civilisation, creators of the past, present and future; constructing the human mind to different  perspectives.

As writers, you are liberators whose words are forged into sharp two-edged sword  to cut thick chain bars, giving freedom to readers bond to slavery. The kind of slavery enlisted as phobias, restricting their sight. You must know that your words restores hope to the hopeless, life to the lifeless, and sight to the blind.
Today, most writers are held down in the same chains that held the readers. They hide beneath the umbrella of being introverted and afraid to relate their brilliance to the people by keeping to themselves. Hidden and retired from the world and themselves. Till they question their shadows, existence and worth, nothing would change. Somehow they find excuses for being too busy to relate with people and their readers. Worse, they become too busy to read other books and they wonder why their career is slipping away. I must warn you noble writers,  to master the craft of words on paper, you must first learn dialogue, time management and consistency to rule your world and influence the others.
You must recognize who you are, choose to be confident, secure and peaceful. As recorded in the holy Bible, you might recall Joseph, the last son of Jacob, least adored by his brothers, in fact he was teased "the dreamer" still he never kept to himself. I bet he wouldn't have met the cup bearer whom God used to set him free from prison, and graduated him to a position in the palace if he shut the world out.

Great writers like J. K. Rowling was divorced, and unemployed so she took writing as a profession. Being unemployed means she was left broke, agitated and emotionally deserted. When publishers refused her work, she found the strength to relate with people again rather than shutting herself in and wallowing in self-pity. With the relations she made, she met the publisher of Harry Potter, her well-renowned book. I don't need to tell the number of copies Harry Potter has sold and still selling.

Some writers do not know that the man in the least social status may have 4 consecutive links in chain to a person of power. Don't take the relationship you have with people for granted.

Most writers may defend that they have personality disorders, and they've become afraid that their ego might be bruised if they attempt building up their relationships, thereby protecting themselves at their own detriment. You mustn't seek after great appearances, money, treatment and acceptance in to this world to win it. You can bring the people to your world, your story reverberating through ink and sweat. What if you aren't given a brush, create one and design a beautiful canvas.

Dismiss every hint of fear and the perceptions of failure while you establish an online and offline base. You must  take into consideration the genre, purpose and content  of your writing. Don't write as one working  for the people whilst unfulfilled.

It's long pass the time when writers focus only on writing skills alone, the competition is too high today, you need some social and marketing skills to succeed as a writer. So that you don't have to dump your book for a publisher because you are too scared and socially lazy to market your own book.

Nigerian readers' community is different from that of Americans. Americans depend on publisher's review to know the best books to read regardless of who the authors are. Here our publishing houses are not as old, structured and wealthy as that of the Americans. However, you must deliberately build your own fan base with the support of a publisher who'd help promote your books. Literal Guide Publishers International is building structures and establishing great visions to surpass the American standard, enlighten the youth and build a better nation of writers and readers.

Most Nigerians may have a preset mind that Nigerian authors are of no value to them and in the society, they prefer to read the American authors. Hence, you need to work harder to attain the trust of a few bibliophiles who will attest that you're different from the group of quack writers, then refer your book to a good reader. 
Often, you  may  write passively to the people you are not intimate with and think you understand them enough to solve their problems. That's self deception. It is evident that how best you relate well with yourself is shown by the way you relate with others. 

You can't write to solve a reader's problems when you aren't even aware of yours which may seem difficult, this may hinder the proud announcement of your story to the world.

Organize reading forum, where you read to your fan base even if it is one person who is passionate about your book. Let him or her ask you questions relating to your book and allow them know you deeper. People are happy to meet the authors of the books that changed their lives. That one person will bring the entire village of readers to you. Quit hiding!!!

People are the major fulcrum of life, that is why  relationships are very key to succeeding in life. I can't emphasize on this, build great relationships especially with like minds. Although, I've observed  the writers in this group are too cold and boring, acting as if their umbilical cord of writing initiatives and zeal to relate with others for common good had long been cut off. Some are even too lazy to acknowledge a good post.

Today, try to check up and connect with at least 5 persons, you can begin with me. Inspire them and follow up on them. Be deliberate. Be intentional. Be real. Break down the imaginary walls that  separate you from your prospective readers. Writing is real work, do not work like you are being forced into it.

Make new friends each day, they are the people you are writing for. They are your number one market. They might not be able to purchase your book but they will link you to the persons who will.
We are Literal Guide, we are a group of writers and publishers shaping the writing and reading culture in Africa positively. If you share similar vision, you can join our WhatsApp group....


Every nation is built on its educational system, either by schooling or through the literature the citizens are exposed to; it is the cornerstone of morality, patriotism, and employment. When these three factors are missing in a nation, it reveals  how urgent the educational sector needs attention.

Hence, we emerged as a publishing company in Lagos, Nigeria, saddled with the responsibility of solving the societal  perplexing problems of Nigeria and Africa with words.

We are pledged in making quality publishing easy and accessible to writers who share common goals with us, which is to make a difference in our nations with written words regardless of the genre, be it non fiction or fiction. 

We insist on publishing contents that are patriotic; and diabolical and erotic free. 

Literal Guide is committed to tell the African story from the past, present and in the future. Our stories will not only entertain but also  inspire hope and open up the doors of possibilities for the African spirits, hence bringing Africa to a brighter light.

We challenge writer to do so to bring civility to the minds of Africans and engender creativity and innovation in the minds of African children,  teenagers and adults.

We will explore all the potentials in book technology and writing to achieve our aim via comic books, cartoons, story telling, novella, film production, novels and non fictitious books.

If story telling is your hobby and you are gifted with words, then we are walking round the clock to make sure that your stories are not only found in every shelf of African libraries but also read in every African homes. We will achieve that by publishing stories that are set in Africa so that Africans can relate to and embrace it.

We have the best of advisers, professional ghostwriters, editors, graphic designers of class and taste that create wonderful experience as you turn the pages of our book.

In this field, we are plying a fertile  ground that have 300  million hungry reading African families and we are  working out modalities to reach them in the shortest space of time.

We are living in delicate times where parents are careful about what book their children absorb into their minds, we then began creating option for kids to take in edifying contents that will ensure their guaranteed relevance. 

The tender mind of our future leaders require the right books to refine their character and mould them to greatness And we do not compromise on quality. We have weathered the storms, we have learned from our mistakes, we are marching strong.


We complain about no jobs in the society today while most of the novels read as literature text in our schools today are written by analogue minds who write books majorly loaded with myths that are misleading, books that inspires backwardness because it's content is too traditional to spark up creativity and problem solving skills in the innocent mind of students. 

These degenerated books moulds people into stereotype, leaving them with no other option than to build unrealizable illusions, then play the blame game when it become unachievable. 

When sound minds like you took the backstage because you want the book to be perfect whereas we can help you edit it to perfection.


The satisfaction you derive from publishing an online book can never equal with the one you get while publishing a paper back book.

It accrue to you the title of a "Published Author". It gives you something physical to show while gifting you the pride of accomplishment. It offer your readers something to keep and to look up any single time.

No matter how digitalized the world is tending to, nothing can replace a physical book. Alot of online books get misplaced when  readers wants to do away with their old phones and most times when their hard disk or memory card crashes and cloud storages hacked. Save them the loss by also publishing a paper back book because once you have a good book, a good reader would want his children to read it also with favourite paragraphs and striking points marked for reference sakes. A civilised parents leaves a worthy library for their kids.

Most people relocate and don't have the luxury of packing books along with them but no one leaves their favourite books behind. Only make the book better and richer and your readers will take your book along wherever they might be.
Online publication might be cheaper but publishing a paper back book is better.
If you are writer that knows what you have written, and not junks put together to make money out of readers, then plan to publish physical books.

Serious writers consider the two publishing options anyway.
We are Literal Guide publishers International, we publish, market and export books published under our stable across Europe and within Africa.
Call or whatsapp +2348064308507 

Reading Helps

There is no way a person can take his or her sight away from the pages of good literature and fix it on a screen and stay the same. 

Even employees who perform repetitious activities at work believe that reading is of no help to them, but they have no way of knowing how much better they may have been, which might drive them up their career leader, if they would have been reading 

A count of them would have attracted a promotion their way, if they had been reading. Wisdom is always greater than strength.

Top CEOs, TV hosts, reporters, actors and actresses you see on TV, no matter how busy they are, cannot function without reading.

They understand that if  reading is undermined, they will begin to forget what they have learned. Private Reading of novels asides the written scripts while acting helps actors remember scripted words and it helps them to figure out which word replaces the other while still conveying the same idea and meaning as the script writer intended. 

This demonstrates that no amount of television viewing can substitute reading. Reading leaves you with both an idea of a good story and crucial words used in conveying it, whereas watching television only leaves you with a notion of a good story. Reading is not just a passion for art students; science students should read as well. Elon Musk got an idea of space exploration by reading Star Trek.
Reading books has more benefits. More than just obtaining words for your word bank; it also broadens your horizons, expands your creativity, and aids visualization, because you can't see beyond what you don't have words for. When you have no words to capture the ideas you get while watching television, they will flow away from the canvass of your mind. 

Yes, English isn't our first language; it's one we've adopted, and remember we don't speak it as fluently as native speakers, hence, we must read to obtain and store up words to select from when the need arises.

In order to function well in a borrowed tongue, you must carefully study the text of the selected language in order to comprehend the meaning of numerous terms that do not come readily available to you as they do to native speakers. 
It's never enough to know the essentials of English; to be creative with it, as the Americans have done, we must study literature to understand the intricacies. This is why Americans have been able to invent and dominate the world. Because words are so important in spreading spoken and written information. If a crucial word is missing from a phrase owing to lack of language within you, you may be misinforming others. Which is one big problem that kept Africa this way. We have little knowledge about English and we know nothing of our native language. Passing relevant values that engenders development will be very tedious owing to lack of language to pass to convey them. And these informations fizzles away untap and unharnessed.

Your ability to effectively explain events that have occurred in your life is limited by the number of words you already have to express them. Having a big innate word bank from which to choose from  gives your statement more meaning and allows those with whom you are conversing with to comprehend you.

You're one step closer to reaching your goal when someone understands what you've said. That is why you should read and encourage others to read in order to broaden their vocabularies. 

Read a dictionary to figure out what words imply because some basic words have multiple meanings. In the barracks, the word "fire" has a different meaning than it does for a firefighter or a normal housewife who wants to cook. 
The dreams you have and the things you achieve are a result of the number of words you have acquired that have helped you identify those things and clearly explaining them to the understanding of those who will help you get them. You see, no one gets what they don't have words for. Continue reading.

Literal Guide publishers 


Every nation is built on its educational system; it is the cornerstone of morality, patriotism, and employment. Because it is from education that the citizens depend on for those enabling and marketable abilities that set them apart from other people and make them competitive with the outside world, what we have today needs to be scrutinized. Our candidates are expected to write a persuasive prose outlining why our educational system fails to address unemployment, produce patriotic individuals, and instill moral principles in our populace. It will also show how the story's main character alters the entire status quo for good.

Monday, December 5, 2022


Despite large number of students going to school this days, plus increased learning hours and classroom attendance, yet people are becoming increasingly unintelligent. That isn't a conclusion; it is a universal fact. IQ and EQ ratings have begun to drop in a number of developed countries. When it comes to Africans, the downward spiral in IQ and EQ is at an all-time high. The high level of callousness and stubbornness in the students reveal their low EQ level.
Pundits claim that the reduction is due to mindless television watching and unlimited phone use without productive use. There is no way a person can take his or her sight away from the pages of good literature and fix it on a screen and stay the same. Even employees who perform repetitious activities at work believe that reading is of no help to them, but they have no way of knowing how much better they may have been, which might drive them up their career leader, if they would have been reading A count of them would have attracted a promotion their way, if they had been reading. Wisdom is always greater than strength. Top CEOs, TV hosts, reporters, actors and actresses you see on TV, no matter how busy they are, cannot function without reading. They understand that if reading is undermined, they will begin to forget what they have learned. Private Reading of novels asides the written scripts while acting helps actors remember scripted words and it helps them to figure out which word replaces the other while still conveying the same idea and meaning as the script writer intended. This demonstrates that no amount of television viewing can substitute reading. Reading leaves you with both an idea of a good story and crucial words used in conveying it, whereas watching television only leaves you with a notion of a good story. Reading is not just a passion for art students; science students should read as well. Elon Musk got an idea of space exploration by reading Star Trek.
Reading books has more benefits. More than just obtaining words for your word bank; it also broadens your horizons, expands your creativity, and aids visualization, because you can't see beyond what you don't have words for. When you have no words to capture the ideas you get while watching television, they will flow away from the canvass of your mind. Yes, English isn't our first language; it's one we've adopted, and remember we don't speak it as fluently as native speakers, hence, we must read to obtain and store up words to select from when the need arises. In order to function well in a borrowed tongue, you must carefully study the text of the selected language in order to comprehend the meaning of numerous terms that do not come readily available to you as they do to native speakers. It's never enough to know the essentials of English; to be creative with it, as the Americans have done, we must study literature to understand the intricacies. This is why Americans have been able to invent and dominate the world. Because words are so important in spreading spoken and written information. If a crucial word is missing from a phrase owing to lack of language within you, you may be misinforming others. Which is one big problem that kept Africa this way. We have little knowledge about English and we know nothing of our native language. Passing relevant values that engenders development will be very tedious owing to lack of language to pass to convey them. And these informations fizzles away untap and unharnessed. Your ability to effectively explain events that have occurred in your life is limited by the number of words you already have to express them. Having a big innate word bank from which to choose from gives your statement more meaning and allows those with whom you are conversing with to comprehend you. You're one step closer to reaching your goal when someone understands what you've said. That is why you should read and encourage others to read in order to broaden their vocabularies. Read a dictionary to figure out what words imply because some basic words have multiple meanings. In the barracks, the word "fire" has a different meaning than it does for a firefighter or a normal housewife who wants to cook. The dreams you have and the things you achieve are a result of the number of words you have acquired that have helped you identify those things and clearly explaining them to the understanding of those who will help you get them. You see, no one gets what they don't have words for. Continue reading. Literal Guide publishers 08064308507


Are you an excellent writer who is curious about how to make money with your writing skills?  Despite having written the book, y...