Thursday, January 12, 2023


Are you an excellent writer who is curious about how to make money with your writing skills? 

Despite having written the book, you are beset by publishing costs. You reach for your financial weapon, the only thing that might give you the advantage you require. But it's insufficient. The longer you delay, the more money will be consumed by other needs. 

Since publishing costs are rising daily, you need to learn how to handle certain aspects of your book yourself if you want to gain an advantage.
We offer a solution that can help you publish and gain an advantage in today's cutthroat writing market by giving your writing talent the push it needs. 

By making the most of our exclusive writing and marketing tools, you'll be able to gain knowledge that will help you achieve your publishing goals, boost your conversion rate, and increase traffic to your book sales page. 

This tactic has already been successfully used by hundreds of writers we have come across to achieve their writing and publishing goals, target sales, and generate substantial income.

I'd love to talk with you more if you're prepared to equip yourself with the resources you need to succeed. To find out more about how my marketing and punnishing tool can offer your writing  business the edge it needs, send me "I want In on  WhatsApp..

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


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All writers hope to publish their work at some point, but it always fascinates me how their enthusiasm and motivation eventually waned and their vision of being published got erased from their mind. 

Some of them took a job with the intention of using the money to cover the costs of publishing, but sadly the work consumed all of their time and their needs increased. Their writing, which has not yet begun to generate income, had to leave for the employment that yields money to remain. 
These folks are skilled wordsmiths—at least as good as you can see them—but they quickly give up their talent because they lack a compelling motivation to keep writing. Little do they know that without the contribution of a nation's best writers, no country advances very far. For writers lay the blueprint used in building up a society. Elon Musk picked the vision of space exploration from a book. What if Star Trek wasn't written.

Some writers do have self doubt, they don't believe that their writing is good enough, so they abandoned it. Learn to cast down and cast out doubt. Get a trusted reviewer who gives you honest feedbacks and you are good to go. Build up your confident once again.

Henceforth, get back to your writing goal, and schedule the project accordingly, bring back the publishing vision. Be obedient to write a predetermined amount of words each day. For words are the food your book eats, don't starve it!!

Make sure you carry out your writing responsibility with strict fidelity; otherwise, if you skip a day or more, the guilt will build up and render you unable to carry out your writing goals. 

Fo instance,  if you are not dutiful to your child, there will come a time when you crave connection with that child but can't find it. In the same manner,  if you abandon your  brain child for long, the book becomes alien to you.  But that's your fortitude being tested and if you are not resolute, your zeal wanes and your vision fades. Then you deprive the world of your contribution to its knowledge bank and deprive the intellectual society of your share of its progression. 

Be careful to finish what you started last year because you were the first to come up with the idea and the first to start taking action. Finish the task at hand so that your enthusiastic willingness to complete it matches your ability to do so within your means.

Literal Guide Publishers Intel
literalguidepub.blogspot. com

Monday, December 19, 2022


Literal Guide Publishers International is a Christian publishing house, our headquarters are in Lagos, plus a Windhoek-based branch office. We are a certified CAC publishing firm.  
We are the creators of the Literal Guide Book Writing Competition, a nationwide platform for young, adolescent writers to compete with compelling prose that addresses pressing issues in society today and in the future in an effort to spark innovative change. After all, every significant advancement is the result of an intriguing work of imagination. 

In light of this, our goal is to employ literature to entertain people while also reorienting lives, building mental capacity, and instilling moral compass. As a result, our books strive for attitude engineering, character development, and value transformation. 

Within 5 years, we have published more than 50 authors.
We believe  every story deserves to be heard and told, thus we established "Literal Guide Writer's Aid" to assist authors whose works have excellent content but are unable to be published due to financial constraints. We are accepting submissions for comprehensive traditional publishing if your book fits with our objectives.

* We accept fiction, poems, non fiction and poems. Indicate which genre you are sending.

* Make sure, the manuscript is original and you own the right to the manuscript.

* Register to Literal Guide Writer's Aid with 5k for Nigerians. Nigerian writers can register with 5000. You can see what other beneficiaries of this initiative are saying. And $10 for writers from other crountries, you can check out there testimonies and book adverts in their national newspaper online

* Send only  one page synopsis and three paragraph blurb of your book in PDF format.

 * Make sure there are no erotic, diabolic and unpatriotic content within the manuscript.

* Make sure the manuscript of the synopsis you are sending is within 3000 words to 20,000 words. 

* On the upper left of your synopsis, note how many words are in your novel.

* Submit your name, age, location, gender,  occupation, manuscript submission pay slip. 

* We will acknowledge your mail. Pease query us if you didn't see our acknowledgment within 24 hours of submission.

* Note: Once your book is approved for publication, you will be required to provide evidence of your ownership of the manuscript.

You Too can Lift your book the same way Messi lifted the world

Do not give up; dreams do come true if we only have the will and perseverance to follow them to the realm of darkness and solitude where they lead. 

Messi had pictured and dreamed of winning and lifting the world cup, but it kept slipping away from his hands despite his leg work and best efforts. Yes, it finally became real. 

Writers, you too can achieve your writing goals and still find it difficult to get published. Do not relent, You can take advantage of "Literal Guide Writers' Aid", you too can raise your book in the same manner that Messi raised the world cup. Nothing is insurmountable; it only requires effort and time.

Saturday, December 17, 2022


When I became a writer, I noticed that Nigerians don't read Nigerian books so often. It's not as if Nigerians don't read but they prefer reading American and European books because Nigerian book don't inspire them due to the fact that Nigerian writers are not inspired. From  their cover design to their content, there is nothing about their books that can arouse  curiousity in a reader to pick up their books to read.

Even the Nigerian best writers only write shadows of what had been written before with an improved tune, vocabulary, style and flavour. Only for them to realise that its not enough to replace what's missing.
How do we get a reader to keep reading something they had read before? 
Some began to package those books with great cover yet, if contents do have outstretched arms, they are too pale to touch the reader's heart.

Some writers claim their books are inspired but what these writers do is to draw down their writings from current trends. So it can seem appealing to readers. But then books are influence. An influence coming from an uninspired book cannot motivate a reader to continue reading.

An influence from a book that is not inspired cannot  give  the reader maximum satisfaction. It lacks the capacity to equip the reader with cognitive tools to solve any problem.

Thats the reason some Nigerian graduates  are unable to solve their unemployment problems despite all the motivational books available.

 The most dangerous aspect of the whole story is that this Nigerian writers have figured out the best way to sell their uninspired books. Which is getting uninspired educational sector to approve of those books to be read in schools. Further destroying the dying interest in students to read.

Reading to pass exams can never improve the reading culture of a people. It kills it instead. No wonder some Nigerians had not read a single novel after writing their final exams.

I felt concerned, then I went to God the original source to draw inspired content that will elevate the dying interest of my people to read.
You need to glance through this inspired book to see for yourself...


Writing is work and a *writer* is a brand. 
Do not treat it with laxity, take your brand seriously. Continue to improve yourself constantly so that you will have the capacity to improve others.

How distinct, clear and consistent is your writing brand? Some of us are consistent in writing and posting to update our readers but then how clear do we capture the  thoughts in our hearts, so that our audience will be able to understand the points we are making and take the messages we are passing.  Until an artiste make his pictures clear enough, his audience will misinterpret his drawing . For words are the paints of a writer and his pen is his painting brush.

Even a talented artiste must learn the skills, no matter how talented you are as a writer, learn the skills of writing. It will reward you with the insights to guide, compassion to inspire and wisdom to lead.

 I am aware that understanding the basics of writing English word is easy; appreciating the nuances takes years. Though we are limited because we are not native speakers of English language but we can strive to be distinct with our writing brand. 

You build a strong brand as a writer when you make internal resolutions that focuses on what your brand will deliver eternally to satisfy the need of your readers, knowing who your audience are and how to reach them. 

These resolutions are your firm foundation. The test is whether your thoughts are accepted or rejected by your audience. That doesn't mean you write to please people but you write to connect to the innermost part of your audience to assent of your writing.

These resolutions builds confidence in the heart of your audience that your post, book and articles are going to give solutions to their problems and that your words are reliable.

These resolutions reflects your inner values in meaningful ways that you act upon them.

These things are not rocket science. The resolutions we are talking about are the promises you make to yourself that:
* My writing is not just a perfunctory activity, it entails adding emotions and passion to it. I will make my writings inspirational, educative, and intriguing. 
* I will instill professionalism in my writing. That means my words, phrases and grammar will be at least 90% accurate.
* I must take each age bracket to heart and make sure I do not write haphazardly and pass the wrong message.

* In order for your writing to reflect your deepest values well enough in the mind of my readers, you must make sure you have tested the food before you bring it out for public consumption. I must make sure that I practice what I preach. Writing is an attitude, people can tell if you are not doing what you are writing.

* I will make sure my writing is at least 70% original because it's authenticity will determine how it will be received and how it will affect lives.
* I will make my writings lucid and seamless.
* My book or post will not only state the problem but it will also give relevant  and distinctive solutions.

These resolutions will condition my actions and reactions towards my writing. It will govern my focus and lead me away from inbreed impulses that pushes me to post an article without crosschecking it in order to make sure there are little to no errors in it. Some readers are turned off when they see the slightest error while reading.

* It will make me read more, so that I can build a word base that enables me to frame the ideas in my heart appropriately. 
* I will get accustomed to reading the dictionary, so that I can understand the nuances and usage of English language. 
* I will get an App or a person that crosscheck or scrutinise my writing to make sure it is satisfactory before I post, to make my brand distinct.
* These will determine the kind of audience I serve and gets me new audience who expect more from me.
* I will keep learning so that I will not forget the things I know..

These resolutions serve as inherent mantras or quiet metronomes that keeps you reminded on what needs to be done to keep your brand alive and to stay alive...


Africans  would rather read an African story narrated by a white author than one written by a black author. Infact, we learned about Africa from the pages of a book written by a Westerner. We see our history through substandard, underwritten clips compiled by westerners who do nothing but underrepresent us and portray us as a dying and starving continent who they give aid to for survival. These are targeted to condition us with what they say we are, and not what we truly are. 
When the undermined side of our strengths are hidden from us, we tilt towards the negative and thence, lacking the capacity to imagine a better and positive possibilities because a man takes the form of what  he is  shown overtime. They do this for us to keep chasing their approval instead of being ourselves and evolving naturally without bias.

The ultimate goal is to get us to cling to his novels and stories and arouse our desire to be like him, therefore avoiding our own distinct individuality and authenticity. It appears to be working for him.

When all a child reads and conforms to is a foreign texts, how can the child properly form? We then become foreigners to the continent of our origin and our soul will lack the capacity to identify with and relate to our African identity through its texts. We will never be able to address Africa's problems, no matter how hard we try because copying a western solution and pasting it to our unique African problems will yield no result. No wonder our solutions are ad hoc because we do not have the originality to solve the African problem.

By reading non-African novels and publications on a regular basis, we will never be able to truly comprehend and relate to the wholesomeness and beauty of the African identity. We've gone too far in the wrong direction. It's time to return to your home..

You can reach out to us via or WhatsApp: +2348064308507


You see, life is all about definitions, and a life full with them for oneself, the environment, events, and people is a life worth living. 

But when Adam fell, however, the meaning of the things shifted and became relative. Sometimes the meaning you assign to yourself, others, your surroundings, and events differs from what God intends. 
Constantly verifying that the meanings of words and objects you value are their absolute meanings is a culture that every Christian should aspire to. 

You won't be able to give yourself, events, or things in your care a lasting meaning unless they are defined by God's absolute word. 

You'll discover later that what you see doesn't always fully convey their complete meaning. The true significance of things can only be found in God.
To learn the true meaning of life, you must attend TBI, where the meaning of things is revealed directly from God's teachings.


Language plays a role in inventive prowess and creativity. Remember, we are limited by vernacular, unlike the Chinese, we didn't evolve along with our language due to colonization which intercepted the development of our native language. Our language stopped at rafia palm and mudhouse  in archeticture and herbs for medicine and had little or no record of words in science and tech. Going back to our native language will take us time to adapt in it because of long years of neglect. That is the reason Chinese, Japanese and the Indians were able to make breakthroughs in innovation because they evolved with their native tongue while Africa is left behind.

 There is a Chinese word for a computer motherboard, software, and smartphone chips. Does your local language have such a terminology? The answer is obvious. I am not saying you should abandon your local language due to its limitations, but then the English language we are all clinging to, beyond knowing how to speak well, how well can we use it to create and innovate?

Then, in order to function well in a borrowed tongue, you must carefully study the text of the selected language in order to comprehend the meaning of numerous terms that do not come readily to you as they do to native speakers. 
It's never enough to know the essentials of English; to be creative with it, as the Americans have done, we must study literature to understand the intricacies. This is why Americans have been able to invent and dominate the fiction world. Because words are so important in spreading spoken and written information. If a crucial word is missing from a phrase owing to a lack of language within you, you may be misinforming others.

Your ability to effectively explain events that have occurred in your life is limited by the number of words you already have to express them. Having a big word bank from which to choose gives your statement more meaning and allows those with whom you are talking to comprehend you.

Word Power

Despite  going to schools and classroom attendance, yet people are becoming increasingly unintelligent. That isn't a conclusion; it is a universal fact. IQ and EQ ratings have begun to drop in a number of developed countries. When it comes to Africans, the downward spiral in IQ and EQ is at an all-time high. Pundits claim that the reduction is due to mindless television watching and unlimited phone use without productive use. 

There is no way a person can take his or her sight away from the pages of good literature and fix it on a screen and stay the same. 

Even employees who perform repetitious activities at work believe that reading is of no help to them, but they have no way of knowing how much better they may have been to attract a promotion if they had been reading. Wisdom is always greater than strength.

Top CEOs, TV hosts, reporters, actors and actresses you see on TV, no matter how busy they are, cannot function without reading.

They understand that if they stop reading, they will begin to forget what they have learned. Private Reading of novels asides the written scripts while acting helps actors remember scripted words and figure out which word to use in replacement of the other while still conveying the same idea and meaning as the script writer intended. 

This demonstrates that no amount of television watching can substitute reading. Reading leaves you with both an idea of a good story and crucial words used in conveying it, whereas watching television only leaves you with a notion of a good story. Reading is not just a passion for art students; science students should read as well. Elon Musk got an idea of space exploration by reading Star Trek.

Reading books has more benefits. More than just obtaining words for your word bank; it also broadens your horizons, expands your creativity, and aids visualization, because you can't see beyond what you don't have words for. When you have no words to capture the ideas you get while watching television, they will flow away from the canvass of your mind. 

Yes, English isn't our first language; it's one we've adopted, and we don't speak it as fluently as native speakers.

Then, in order to function well in a borrowed tongue, you must carefully study the text of the selected language in order to comprehend the meaning of numerous terms that do not come readily available to you as they do to native speakers. 

It's never enough to know the essentials of English; to be creative with it, as the Americans have done, we must study literature to understand the intricacies. This is why Americans have been able to invent and dominate the world. Because words are so important in spreading spoken and written information. If a crucial word is missing from a phrase owing to lack of language within you, you may be misinforming others. Which is one big problem that kept Africa this way. We have little knowledge about English and we know nothing of our native language. Passing relevant values that engenders development then seems very tedious owing to lack of language and these informations fizzled away untap and unharnessed.

Your ability to effectively explain events that have occurred in your life is limited by the number of words you already have to express them. Having a big innate word bank from which to choose from  gives your statement more meaning and allows those with whom you are conversing with to comprehend you.

You're one step closer to reaching your goal when someone understands what you've said. That is why you should read and encourage others to read in order to broaden their vocabularies. 

Read a dictionary to figure out what words imply because some basic words have multiple meanings. In the barracks, the word "fire" has a different meaning than it does for a firefighter or a normal housewife who wants to cook. 

The dreams you have and the things you achieve are a result of the number of words you have acquired that have helped you identify those things and clearly explaining them to the understanding of those who will help you get them. You see no one gets what they don't have words for. Continue reading.
Literal Guide publishers 


Are you an excellent writer who is curious about how to make money with your writing skills?  Despite having written the book, y...